How to Learn ReactJS in 2021?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Posted by Rudramadhaba Mishra on October 22 , 2021

let’s talk about the developers who are already in the industry and working on some frontend part of the project. How do you feel when you are asked to write the same line of code at multiple places? How do you feel when you’re asked to add the same button on multiple pages?

We know that in software development doing repetitive tasks is frustrating and developers always look for some framework or method to save their precious time. Here React comes into the picture.
This popular amazing JavaScript library not just helps the developers to build an impressive application but also helps them in building the frontend page in less time. React is component-based and that’s the coolest feature of this library. You can break down your complex code into individual pieces i.e components. These components are helpful in organizing the code in a better way.

1. Learn the Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learning this library is not easy if you don’t take the right step towards it. There are many concepts in React and it can be overwhelming to learn this library. It is important to know the right things in this library to become an in-demand React Developer. Today in this blog we are going to list down the key skills that are needed to become a proficient React Developer.

Your core concepts should be strong before you jump to this library. If you’re an experienced developer then you just need to revise the concepts.
If we talk about beginners then most of the time they make mistakes, and they directly jump to this library. Later they don’t understand the concept and keep struggling with understanding this library. Also, your interviewer will firstly check the basic concepts before jumping to React.

Understand the basic building blocks of the website. How HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work. React syntax and most of the concepts of this library are based on mainly these three building blocks. You won’t face any problems while building an application if these fundamentals are clear to you. Create something on your own using these three building blocks.

React inherits most of the features from JavaScript. Both are connected so it’s good to have a solid foundation in JavaScript concepts. Let’s discuss some basic concepts of JavaScript that are needed for React.
Variables, objects, arrays, functions, and classes. Common array methods such as .map(), .filter(), .reduce() ES6 features such as arrow function, let, const. Learn about ‘this’ keyword, call, apply, and bind method. Concepts of Asynchronous JavaScript such as promises, callback, Async/Await. Learn how DOM (document object model) works. How to create, select, and update the HTML elements and their attributes.

There can be no thought of finishing for ‘aiming for the stars.’ Both figuratively and literally, it is a task to occupy the generations. And no matter how much progress one makes, there is always the thrill of just beginning.

2. Fundamentals of NodeJS, Import, and Export Keyword

Being a React developer you will run a lot of NPM scripts/commands, so once the fundamentals (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) are clear to you, understand the fundamentals of NodeJS.
NPM (Node Package Manager): You should have knowledge about NPM (Node package manage). NPM is used to install the Node modules and packages. Learn how to use the basic commands/scripts to install the packages and modules.
Import Keyword: You will have to use the import keyword in your React project to use the installed Node modules.
Export Keyword: Use this keyword when you are creating a module/component and you have to return only a part, not all the methods and variables.

3.Learn to Work With the APIs in React Apps

We know that React is a front-end library to build the user interfaces. A user interacts with the frontend part of the application, access the data from there, or navigate from one page to another page.
React interacts with the backend code of the application. We get the data from the backend part of the application, we perform actions such as authentication, display the item to the user, searching, registration of the user, etc.
Mainly there are two ways to work with the data from the backend. The most common and standard way is using the REST APIs. The other and the newer one is GraphQL API. In your work, you will encounter problems where you will have to work with both of the APIs. Learn how to work with both kinds of APIs using React.


In your React application, you will have to manage the states. Once your application will start growing it will become a complex application and you will have to manage the states across components. Redux which a powerful JavaScript library solves this problem and helps in maintaining the state of the application. In Redux, you store all your states in a single source.

Final Thought

We discussed the main concept that you should learn in React. Once you will start working on some React project, you will encounter many problems, and depending on the issues you will have to search for an efficient solution in React. You will be introduced to different libraries or packages in React depending on the problems. Slowly you will go in-depth with this application and you will become a master in React. Hope this was helpful.